Saturday, November 29, 2008

East to West

So I guess it was Thanksgiving on Thursday, and incidentally we had a very good dinner with compàny that generally doesnt celebrate.... On Wednesday we went to the cigar factory in SanAndres de Tuxtla, a bigger city in the Municipo de Catemaco. A very beautiful artisan practice of rolling, aging, and smoking cigars out of locally grown cigars from PURO TOBACO. We got the full tour, and needless to say, took many pictures, and took home a couple of stogies. Not as good as cubans, but these cigars were literally 15km away from where they grew, making the ¨petroleum drenched¨ cigars of cuba seem a little bit bourgeois with its far import. Im getting to thanksgiving....
So on thanksgiving day, Sonya and I went to Montepio, a coast town about an hour away (or it should be an hour if your driver doesnt cut off his engine in every single po dunk town (and there were many) to chat it up with everyone) from the lake, and super small, with a population of about 800!! We swam in the gulfo for the first time even putting a toe in the Atlanics waters!!!! It was so warm and a pleasant cahnge from the pacific where you are generally cutting diamonds with your frozen nipples. (you know the feeling) So after leaving for the bus (or pickuptruck with a bench in the back) at 4.30, it didnt arrive until 5 and took until 7 to get back to camp at the lake. !!Que lastima!!

However, the morning before our RVing neighbors, a couple from England and Germany, invited us for dinner that evening. So we felt really guilty getting back so late, but they graciously waited on dinner for us, which was no thanksgiving but simple and DELICIOUS, and very filling. I guess the most thanksgiving part of it was the closest thing to family we could find (oolie, the german is from Germany, about 100km away from where Sonyas german roots originate) and the ´sipping´ on cigars that we enjoyed with our desert cheeses. That pleasant experience aside, we may be asked by them to take their RV, dog included (and bikes and a car) from mexico city to arizona for them, when they are ready to leave Mexico.... it is a far fetched idea for us and might not work out with our plans... but yeah.
So now we are in an inland Veracruz town of Acayucan, which is realatively big compared to the pueblos we have been bouncing around. Only here for a couple of days in a hotel... how fancy!!! our firsat hotel, at a rate of 22 dollars a night (kind of expensive) but it has more bugs in it that when we camp in our tent!!! Im scratching as I type!! Tomorrow we will head for Salina Cruz, on the coast of Oaxaca, then the next day we´ll be bouncing over to the young, hippie beach of ZIPOLITE, where we will continue to camp...WOOO!!!!! and explore the region around (Puerto Angel). We are really excited to travel and keep oursleves in one place for a little longer (like we did in Michoacan) aqnd especially excited to go to Chiapas where we will be celebrating Christmas with our friend Tom and then hitting up BELIZE!!!!!!! here we come and there we go.. its happening so fast, already two months in, our friends and family really miss us..

I´ll end on a sad yet hilarious note..... I was recently reading all my backlogged texts, and coming upon one that was sent when we were in the airport to come to Morelia and, as our friends, Tyler and Jen were waving goodbye, Jen started balling, drawing tears from Tyler as well, and some from us.. but the funny part was when I recieved the text saying... ¨jen cried so hard she PUKED... now thats true love!!¨

1 comment:

Walt Corneille said...

You two sound like you are having way too much fun!!!! Aren't you supposed to be in college young man???

As I told Sonya, stake a place/hammock for me in this little beach paradise for when I want to relax on the beach and enjoy good BBQ chicken for the rest of my life.

I understand you are going to chill there for a while, sounds good if it is so affordable. You two were sounidng like you were traveling a lot which I know can be tiring day after day.

Take care my son and remember to save me a place on the beach for me so when I visit I will be able to enjoy the sand in my toes 24/7 like you are!